IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry (APRD) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2015 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing the article more...

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285- 289

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Rashmi Salkar, Saee Deshpande*, Akhil Rathi, Neelam Pande, Radha Goverdhan, Kalyani Deshmukh

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Evaluation and comparison of the antimicrobial efficacy of three commercially available denture cleansing agents against different microorganisms: An in vitro study

Original Article

Author Details : Rashmi Salkar, Saee Deshpande*, Akhil Rathi, Neelam Pande, Radha Goverdhan, Kalyani Deshmukh

Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 285-289


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Introduction: Heat cured poly methyl methacrylate denture base acrylic resins are most commonly used material for fabrication of complete dentures. In certain situations, denture hygiene is compromised both due to the constraints of the denture material and/or non-compliance from the patients owing to lack of manual dexterity. This leads to formation of microbial biofilm on the intaglio surface of the denture and if left untreated, it can cause denture stomatitis. Denture cleansing tablets are of great help in such cases.
Aim: The primary goal of this in vitro experiment was to assess and compare the effects of commercially available and common household denture cleansing tablets viz. Polident, Fittydent and Clinsodent against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 heat polymerized acrylic resin samples were divided into 4 groups of 25 each to evaluate the antimicrobial effectiveness of commercially available denture cleansing agents.
The results of this study showed that there was significant reduction in colony forming units in three commercially available denture cleansing agents (Clinsodent, Fittydent and Polident denture cleansing tablets) as compared to distilled water.
Conclusion: All three commercially available denture cleansing agents used in the study were capable of reducing the colony forming units per ml of the heat cure acrylic resin denture base samples. The order of efficacy was Clinsodent tablets > Fittydent tablets > Polident tablets > Distilled water.

Keywords: Denture stomatitis, Denture sore mouth, Geriatric patients

How to cite : Salkar R, Deshpande S, Rathi A, Pande N, Goverdhan R, Deshmukh K, Evaluation and comparison of the antimicrobial efficacy of three commercially available denture cleansing agents against different microorganisms: An in vitro study. IP Ann Prosthodont Restor Dent 2024;10(4):285-289

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