IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry

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IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry (APRD) open access, peer-reviewed quarterly journal publishing since 2015 and is published under the Khyati Education and Research Foundation (KERF), is registered as a non-profit society (under the society registration act, 1860), Government of India with the vision of various accredited vocational courses in healthcare, education, paramedical, yoga, publication, teaching and research activity, with the aim of faster and better dissemination of knowledge, we will be publishing the article more...

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280- 284

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Shraddha Sahni, Saee Deshpande*, Sham Gundawar, Neelam Pande

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Comparative evaluation of flexural strength of conventional heat polymerized denture base resin reinforced with non-silanized and silanized aluminum oxide powder- An in vitro study

Original Article

Author Details : Shraddha Sahni, Saee Deshpande*, Sham Gundawar, Neelam Pande

Volume : 10, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 280-284


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Background: Although denture base acrylic resins have been used since many decades, the problem of facture of denture base still remains. Many researchers have tried to reinforce the denture base by addition of metallic oxide nanoparticles. Silanization of such nanoparticles is recommended as it improves the bond between fillers and added nanoparticles.
Objective: To evaluate and compare the flexural strength (FS) of heat polymerized acrylic resin denture base material reinforced with 2.5 wt % of non-silanized and silanized aluminum oxide powder (AlO).
Material and Methods: Seventy-five specimens of heat polymerized acrylic resin were fabricated. The specimens were divided into three groups (n = 75) coded as Group N (non-silanized AlO), Group S (silanized AlO) and Group C (Control). The specimens of the remaining two groups were reinforced with 2.5 wt % of non-silanized and silanized AlO. The flexural strength of the specimens was measured using 3-point bending test in a Universal Testing Machine.
Results: Data analyses using analysis of variance and Tukey’s post-hoc test showed that adding 2.5 wt% of silanized AlO; GroupS significantly increased the flexural strength compared to Group C and GroupN (p<0> Conclusion: Within the limitation of this study, AlO fillers are potential reinforcers in denture bases which increased flexural strength.

Keywords: Acrylic resin, Flexural strength, Aluminum oxide powder, Silane coupling agent

How to cite : Sahni S, Deshpande S, Gundawar S, Pande N, Comparative evaluation of flexural strength of conventional heat polymerized denture base resin reinforced with non-silanized and silanized aluminum oxide powder- An in vitro study. IP Ann Prosthodont Restor Dent 2024;10(4):280-284

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